Sunday, November 30, 2008

1. Advent.

Advent and the Christmas Season is my favorite time of the year.
It was especially wonderful when the children were small and now they are grown up and have their own families and also they do not all live in this area.

Andréa lives with her family about 30 minutes away, but Kristiane lives in Germany now and our son Timothy lives in Arizona.

After we had Thanksgiving here, my grandchildren Lorelei and Hollis stayed on for another two days. And because of them I got Christmas things out of the attic and started to decorate. They already made cookies and decorated them.

But the Adventswreath is not on the table yet!

"Advent, Advent ein Lichtlein brennt,

erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei dann vier,

dann steht das Christkind vor der Tür".